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IIS328DQTR interrupt configuration issue. Interrupt are not generated and all the axis values are reported same.


Hello ,

We are trying to interface the IIS328DQTR with STM32F4 MCU. Our code configuration steps are as below.

  1. Read IIS328_WHO_AM_I (0x32) register : 0x32 is read properly
  2. Enable block data update and set the g scale to 2. Writing 0x80 to IIS328DQ_CTRL_REG4 (0x23) register.
  3. Write 0x00 to IIS328DQ_CTRL_REG2 (0x21) register to disable high pass filter.
  4. Set ODR to 400Hz. Writing 0x37 to IIS328DQ_CTRL_REG1 (0x20) register.
  5. Configure the INT1 register as below.
  • IIS328DQ_CTRL_REG3 - 0x02 : INT1 data ready
    • IIS328DQ_INT1_THS - (tried 0x00 and 0x1A)
    • IIS328DQ_INT1_DURATION - (tried 0 and 100)
    • IIS328DQ_INT1_CFG - (tried 0x00 and 0xBF)

6.Wait for 500 ms.

Interrupt is not generated on INT1 line. When we read X,Y,Z axis register at 1 second, we are getting the constant value 0xE0E0.

Is there any issue in the configuration sequence? Are we missing any steps?

What should be the VDDIO pin configuration? Can we connect it to VDD directly?

Thank you.

Associate II

I am facing this problem too.

No X,Y,Z data from the IC. SPI communication is working because I am able to read Who Am I register.

I am using STEVAL-MK1170V1 for IIS328DQTR 

It would be really helpful if you can point out something.
