2020-09-22 11:48 PM
I have added the X-CUBE-53L3A2 software package to STM32CubeIDE and successfully built and run the SimpleRanging sample application. I now want to make changes to the STM32F401 pin assignements (actually, add a second UART).
When I click on the NucleoF401RE_53LX_Expansion.ioc file I get this error:
Invalid Input: Must be project's active .ioc file.
Project's 'SimpleRanging' active one is 'SimpleRanging.ioc' file
AFAIK there is no file 'SimpleRanging.ioc'
How can I fix this, and where do I look to understand how these .ioc files are used within STM32CubeIDE?
BTW - I am able to create new projects using .ioc files, including a new project using the existing NucleoF401RE_53LX_Expansion.ioc file
2020-09-23 11:49 PM
Hmmm.... so far I have not found a fix to this. (I would still like an answer!). Instead I have created a new project (File > New > STM32 project from an Existing STM32CubeMX Configuration File) and referenced the NucleoF401RE_53LX_Expansion.ioc file from the X-CUBE-53L3A2 project. That allowed me to open the .ioc file and make changes.
To get the X-CUBE-53L3A2 example running I then had to import a load of files from the X-CUBE-53L3A2 project and mess around with the resulting compiler errors, but I did get it running....
2020-10-05 5:04 PM
Charles -
That .ioc file is created by the code that configured your Nucleo board.
I really don't know much about it. Granted I use it - but I don't know much about it.
I suggest you post this to the STM32 community page.
They know a lot more than I do.