2020-11-10 8:29 AM
From ST Blog -->
"ST engineers decided to write Baby Crying Detector after a series of tragedies made the front page of newspapers. Parents would inadvertently leave a child in a car, in the summer heat, and be unaware of it until it was too late. Our experts, therefore, asked a simple question: could we prevent such tragedies with existing technologies? Since children in distress will almost always cry, detecting their screams could trigger an alert. The problem is that to be effective the application needs to be precise. As a result, AI is a necessity because hard-coding the algorithm would be a herculean endeavor. Additionally, the platform needs powerful enough sensors to capture quality data. ST engineers thus realized that SensorTile.box opened the door to the Baby Crying Detector because it brought AI and performance under one roof".
Read more about it on ST Blog and... wait for a technical article!
2020-11-10 8:45 AM