2018-04-26 1:10 AM
Hi there,
I'm working on an STM32F103 connected via USART to a WiFi Module SPWF01SA
The communication between MCU and WiFi module works well:
When I try to open a secure TLS socket with AWS I get the error:SSL/TLS Error: Unable to connect (-1).
I load the certitifcates (rootCa, Client Certificate and Client Private key) into the
module and I receive back 'OK' for each certificate, also for the time and domain.I load the certificate with this function:
TLS_Certificate caCert;
TLS_Certificate tlsCert;
TLS_Certificate certKey;
TLS_Certificate domainClient;
caCert.certificate = caCertificate;
caCert.certificate_size = strlen((const char *)caCertificate) - 1;
tlsCert.certificate = tlsCertificate;
tlsCert.certificate_size = strlen((const char *)tlsCertificate) - 1;
certKey.certificate = certificateKey;
certKey.certificate_size = strlen((const char *)certificateKey) - 1;
domainClient.certificate = clientDomain;
domainClient.certificate_size = strlen((const char *)clientDomain) - 1;
wifi_set_socket_certificates(caCert, tlsCert, certKey, domainClient, unixTime)�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Each certificare is a uint8_t pointer.
I used the AWS endpoint ad client domain. It this right?
I use this function to open the TLS socket:
wifiStatus = wifi_socket_client_open((uint8_t *)hostname,
(uint8_t *)socketType,
In detail, what does 'SSL/TLS Error: Unable to connect (-1)' means? Is there a list of the meaning of each error?
Thanks for the help!