2017-06-12 7:30 AM
I configured my SPWF01S in miniAP Mode just like this:
# Dumping All Configuration Keys:
# nv_manuf = ST# nv_model = SPWF01S# nv_serial = value# nv_wifi_macaddr = 00:80:E1:B8:6A:CC# etf_mode = 0# blink_led = 1# wind_off_low = 0x00000000# wind_off_medium = 0x00000000# wind_off_high = 0x00000000# user_desc = anonymous# escape_seq = at+s.# localecho1 = 0# console1_speed = 115200# console1_hwfc = 0# console1_enabled = 1# console1_delimiter = 0x0000002C# console1_errs = 1# sleep_enabled = 0# standby_enabled = 0# standby_time = 10# wifi_tx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_rx_msdu_lifetime = 0# wifi_operational_mode = 0x00000011# wifi_beacon_wakeup = 1# wifi_beacon_interval = 100# wifi_listen_interval = 0# wifi_rts_threshold = 3000# wifi_ssid = 52:48:45:41:2D:54:49:54:41:4E:2D:4E:45:54:57:4F:52:4B:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_ssid_len = 18# wifi_txfail_thresh = 5# wifi_ht_mode = 0# wifi_channelnum = 6# wifi_opr_rate_mask = 0x00003FCF# wifi_bas_rate_mask = 0x0000000F# wifi_mode = 3# wifi_region = 1# wifi_auth_type = 0# wifi_atim_window = 0# wifi_powersave = 0# wifi_tx_power = 18# wifi_rssi_thresh = 0# wifi_rssi_hyst = 0# wifi_ap_idle_timeout = 120# wifi_beacon_loss_thresh = 10# wifi_priv_mode = 1# wifi_wep_keys[0] = 41:42:43:44:45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[1] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[2] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_keys[3] = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wep_key_lens = 05:00:00:00# wifi_wep_default_key = 0# wifi_wpa_psk_raw = 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00# wifi_wpa_psk_text = # ip_use_dhcp = 1# ip_use_httpd = 1# ip_mtu = 1500# ip_hostname = iwm-B8-6A-CC# ip_apdomainname = captiveportal.net# ip_apredirect = firstset.html# ip_ipaddr = ip_netmask = ip_gw = ip_dns = ip_http_get_recv_timeout = 3000# ip_wait_timeout = 12000# ip_dhcp_timeout = 20# ip_sockd_timeout = 250# ip_dhcp_lease_time = 120# ip_dns_mode = 0# ip_use_cgis = 0x0000000F# ip_use_ssis = 0x0000000F# ip_use_decoder = 0x00000000I then try to connect an Android mobile phone to the AP. When I enter the wrong password, it is not working (hopefully). However when I enter the right password, it connects but I get this error:
+WIND:45:Dot11 AuthIllegal 25641/164
I saw that the first number should be a 0 or a 1.
Surprisingly, when connected I can exchange data through a socket between the 2 devices. So I don't understand where this error comes from..
Do you have any idea ?
Kind regards,
2017-06-12 8:15 AM
Ciao Clara,
it's not a real error (you can ignore it. change wind_off_* variable)
Try to change the authentication method.
wifi_auth_type. from 0 (open) to 1 (shared). Any difference?
2017-06-12 8:22 AM
That is what I thought but I wasn't sure, thank you !
I tried changing wifi_auth_type but it didn't change anything..
Thank you for your fast answer !