2017-04-27 12:52 AM
I'm currently using the SPWF01SA module to make a POST request on a server. My tests using
went smoothly, but as soon as i try to make the request on the actual server, it responds with an error 307 (temporary redirect). My fear is that the server is forcing me to make a secure connection (as in forcing me to make the request on ' instead of ').I tried using the entire uri ('
') as an argument of the AT+S.HTTPREQ command, but in that case the module is responding with 'host not found'.
So i guess my question is: is it possible to force the request to be on a secure connection? Or should i avoid the issue by manually opening a secure socket and then writing my request?
Thank you
#http #spwf01s2017-04-27 2:30 AM
Ciao Matteo,
HTTPS is not part of SPWF01S offer. You need to open a secure socket, and SOCKW/Q/R.
SPWF04S offers more...
2017-04-27 4:55 AM
Ciao Gerardo,
I would gladly use the SPWF04S, but we are unable to at the moment. I imagined the solution was to manually use the sockets, no problem there. I'm still encountering some difficulties, but i think those are server-related and not module related, so i will sort them out with the server owners. Thank you again for your time.