2015-12-10 10:15 PM
how to differentiate two BLE module using there device address?
i am using blueNRG module ,so how can i setup server/device address for two BlueNRG module
/********************************* Ref code *********************************************/
uint8_t SERVER_BDADDR[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x03}; // how to generate this address which is device address
/* The Nucleo board must be configured as SERVER */
Osal_MemCpy(bdaddr, SERVER_BDADDR, sizeof(SERVER_BDADDR));
ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, bdaddr);
/********************************* Ref code *********************************************/
#bluenrg #stm32l053r8t6-nucleop