2020-07-14 03:45 PM
1) Having issue communicating with the board. After some googling, some post suggested that the firmware needs to be updated.
2A) Attempted to update firmware -- From reading the document, below command was used, but it failed due to the error in red below:
$ dfu-util -a 0 -D /Users/chalinlee/Downloads/MEMS_Demonstration_Kit_SW_package_v9_8_MACOSX/FIRMWARE/ProfiMEMSTool\ board/ProfiMEMSToolV3.6.36.dfu -d 0483:df11
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to http://sourceforge.net/p/dfu-util/tickets/
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
dfu-util: Error: File ID 0483:0000 does not match device (0483:df11 or 0483:df11)
2B) Attempted to update firmware -- by changing the device vendor product in green below with the following command and the upgrade seems to go through:
$ dfu-util -a 0 -D /Users/chalinlee/Downloads/MEMS_Demonstration_Kit_SW_package_v9_8_MACOSX/FIRMWARE/ProfiMEMSTool\ board/ProfiMEMSToolV3.6.36.dfu -d 0483:0000
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to http://sourceforge.net/p/dfu-util/tickets/
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash "
file contains 1 DFU images
parsing DFU image 1
image for alternate setting 0, (1 elements, total size = 292888)
parsing element 1, address = 0x08000000, size = 292880
Download [=========================] 100% 292880 bytes
Download done.
done parsing DfuSe file
3) Launch unico, but encountered adapter board detection issue with 'WHO_AM_I register' error below. It appears someone encounter similar issue in the past: