2024-03-09 3:37 PM
iam using nucleo f446re for reading from and writing to i2c eeprom
on arduino i used to extrat the 7bit address from the 10 bit
using this core for that
void writeLexChip(uint16_t TenBits_slave_address, uint8_t firstRegisterByte, uint8_t secondRegisterByte, uint8_t thirdRegisterByte, uint8_t *contentBuffer, uint16_t writeSize) {
uint16_t slave_address_LSB = TenBits_slave_address & 0x0FF;
uint16_t slave_address_MSB = TenBits_slave_address & 0x300;
slave_address_MSB = slave_address_MSB >> 8;
uint8_t SevenBits_compat_address = 0x78 | slave_address_MSB;
contentBuffer[0] = slave_address_LSB;
contentBuffer[1] = firstRegisterByte;
contentBuffer[2] = secondRegisterByte;
contentBuffer[3] = thirdRegisterByte;
Wire.write(contentBuffer, 4 + writeSize);
Serial.println(F("Write OK"));
on stm32 cube ide i worked for many many weeks for even show the i2c address on any i2c scanner source on internet
or try to make one
try to use for (i=o i<127; i++)
time 127 and time 177 like some arduino codes
the nucleo f446re totally refuse to show 0x78 address while it is so easy to do that using eso8266 or arduino uno or nano or any other trademark
i used HAL isdevice ready
mem read
i2c master recive
with all possible ways
like using software i2c on arduino with this board
using internal pullups or external
and then i found that this address is reserved for RTC BKP register 10 in the stm32fxx.h file
can i avoid that or change the reserved address in the source
can any one help me please
2024-03-09 8:01 PM
> iam using nucleo f446re for reading from and writing to i2c eeprom
What EEPROM are you using? How is it hooked up to the Nucleo board, specifically? What pins, are external pullups present? Do SDA/SCL lines read 3.3V when probed with a multimeter?
Once hooked up, create a CubeMX project, initialize the I2C peripheral and pins you are using and write a program which uses HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady to look for the device. Show the code you are using. Do you get HAL_OK back?
> try to use for (i=o i<127; i++)
It does no good to post rubbish code like this. Show the actual code you are using.
2024-03-11 1:56 PM
uint32_t RESERVED6[2]; /*!< Reserved, 0x78-0x7C
__IO uint32_t BKP10R; /*!< RTC backup register 10, Address offset: 0x78 */
i found the 0x78 address is used for the RTC in the bkp register 10 as reserved address and i need to use it for my i2c eeprom
and my i2c eeprom
working with this address
and i provided the arduino code i used to use it for my eeprom
and its working very good
how does agood microprocessor like nucleo f446re cannot handle such process
2024-03-11 3:39 PM
> how does agood microprocessor like nucleo f446re cannot handle such process
well that's easy, bad coding
I'm not following your logic at all. You're using an STM32F446RE chip, and you're using an STM32F412 as the EEPROM? And you think a register in the RTC is the slave address of that chip? It just doesn't make any logical sense. A STM32F412 will not act as an I2C device unless its firmware is coded to do that.
After re-reading, maybe you're not using the F412 at all, but then why are we talking about it? I asked which EEPROM chip you're using and your answer only mentions the F412 chip.
Showing arduino can't explain why you're HAL code (unshown) will not work.
I feel like I'm not being very useful here, but perhaps if you run through exactly what you're doing, with code, I could provide more assistance. If you just want to complain about why things won't work, you can do that here, but you probably won't get to the root of the issue either. And if you just want to complain, that's fine too. Cheers.
2024-03-11 4:39 PM
the eeprom am using is
you will not find datasheet for it
but i used to read it or write with these steps and discribtion
2024-03-14 8:46 AM