2016-07-21 4:33 AM
I managed to setup a full mutual auth TLS system with SPWF01Sx and Nginx server. I have reliability problems to open the socket. Sometimes, the socket opens without problem, sometimes opening fails and I get the error -112. Looking at Nginx logs, the connexion doesn't reach the server, so the problem seems to be on the device connection. Is there a detailed description of possible causes of error -112 ? Any advice on how to debug the issue is welcome. Best regards Zirco #error-ssl/tls-mutual-auth2016-07-21 11:28 PM
Hi Z,
I think you are facing some low RAM problems. -112 indicates a failure on security algorithm, probably due to big certificates in size (are you using RSA?). If you really need mutual authentication:- use ECC in place of RSA- use smaller certificates- monitor free_heap before a secured&mutual sockonCiaojerry2016-07-22 7:02 AM