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Does ST BLE MESH Android and IOS Mobile App Support Toggle Button State update on the app.


I am using BLE_MeshLightingPRFNode example code.

I am able to control the blue led LED1 in the P-Nucleo-WB55 board by pressing the toggle button on the ST BLE MESH android app. i want to use the SW2 or SW3 Push button on the nucleo board to turn ON and OFF the blue led. but at the same time the Blue Led Pin State should be reflected on the Android app toggle button.


if i turn OFF the Blue LED using manual Push button then Toggle button on the mobile app should be OFF.

if i turn ON the Blue LED using manual Push button then Toggle button on the mobile app should be ON.

Kindly suggest me which function and which page i have to do the modification.

or if any of the ble mesh example code is supporting this feature please let me know.

Also do i need to change anything in the Android / IOS App code ?

ST Employee

To enable the scenario, the board must publish to the address of Provisioner (App) or a group of which the provisioner is part of. After correctly setting up the publishing, the ST BLE Mesh is able to process the messages, these are use in the App to display Sensor model and heartbeat information. Currently, there are no callbacks available for this use-case for other models. These callbacks would be added in the next SDK release.