2017-05-31 12:39 AM
Dear Developers ,
Many of us know that for Sub1 Ghz Module full support is there on Contiki OS side for Stm32L152re Mcu with Spirit1 Radio.Suggest any Constrained OS (like Contiki,Zephyr,Riot) Supported STM32 MCU + BLE / Zigbee Radio Modules.
2017-06-01 11:36 PM
I am new to ST MCU, however I have a pretty good knowledge about Contiki and RIOT. And according to RIOT STM 32 (F0->F4) is supported. Check the link below. Regards,https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Board:-STM32F4discovery
2017-06-03 4:33 AM
Dear Mohamad,
Thanks for your reply,so many of us know that STM Evaluation,Nucleo,Discovery MCU Boards Supports Constrained OS'es Like Contiki,RioT,Zephyr,Mbed...etc.Actually I am Looking for Both MCU as well as Radio Support (for WiFi,BLE).For Contiki OS we have both MCU as well as Radio Support(STM32L152RE + X-Nucleo-IDS01A5) I am looking for a combination like above.
2017-06-03 5:27 AM
TLDR; Buy supported radio chip which has support in RIOT / Contiki. Or write a new driver.
Long version:
You can check the driver section for RIOT-OS for that particular extension board. If you need to use RIOT-OS out of the box, I think buying a supported RF chip is the easiest way to go. For Contiki, it is the same, you should check for the basic support for the RF chip.
In both OS, the upper layer stacks (6LowPan, TCP/IP etc) are independent. For example you can use nullmac()/csmamac() driver for Contiki with any supported RF chip.RIOT supports Wifi, however the chip driver must be supported. AFAIK, Contiki does not support wifi natively.For BLE RIOT has it in backlog, Contiki has no support.That being said, if you want to give it a try you can always write the driver for Contiki/RIOT and extend the communication mechanism on top of them.Hope this helps,
2017-06-03 6:15 AM
Thanks for your quick reply,
Earlier I worked on Radio's ( 6Lowpan / BLE / WiFi ) with OS'es ( Contiki / mbed / RioT ) and prepared POC Devices with it.At present I am looking for only STM Development Boards and Radio's to provide Unique sollution.It means STM32F4/L0 as Base Board + STM shields as Radio( Wifi / Ble / 6Lowpan ) and once again thanks for your suggestions.