2022-07-13 9:40 PM
I am interfacing BlueNRG-M2SA with a Linux host and don't want to use it in network co-processor mode.
is it ok if I use it in application co-processor mode where m2sa module does all the work and sends the data over to another master or another processor over SPI?
Please note this is not ACI but a custom protocol over spi between BlueNRG2 and Linux Host.
I think in Network co processor mode host has the control over ble profiles which I don't want.
Is there any application example for the same in the BlueNRG2-DK?
Also is it ok to do with it or better to use the ACI with another host processor?
please advise.
2022-07-21 3:10 AM
Hi @PVaaz.1 ,
You may start from "BLE-SerialPort" demo availabel in BlueNRG-2 SDK.
This is not based on SPI but on UART. Anyway, overall architecture looks close to what you want to achieve and you may replace UART by tour own SPI protocol.
This "BLE-SerialPort" demo act as a "BLEtoUART" bridge.
-> All date received on UART from host is sent over BLE
-> All data reeived on BLE is sent to host overt UART.
2022-07-24 12:02 AM
Thanks a lot @Sebastien DENOUAL for the direction!
Is BlueNRG-2 development supported on STM32CubeIDE?
Which official IDE best suits it , say I want to do the pin configuration and all... like I do with Cube MX for STM32-based devices?
Do you have any examples?
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
2022-07-25 2:57 AM
HI @PVaaz.1 ,
BlueNRG-2 is not part of STM32 ecosytem and therefor not supported by STM32CubeIDE.
Anyway all code examples from BlueNRG-2 SDK. are available for 3 IDEs : IAR, KEIL and WiseStudio.
For KEIL, it exists a free licence => More details here
WiseStudio in an eclipse and arm-gcc based IDE you can download here on www.st.com
2022-07-25 3:35 AM
Thanks a lot @Sebastien DENOUAL for the quick response. his is clear now.