2015-10-26 03:03 PM
Recently we ordered an evaluation kit for the BlueNRG. We are trying to test connectivity with iOS. However, not even the STMicro apps for iOS seem to pick up the BlueNRG device.I use Scripts tab in the BlueNRG GUI tool to init the device in Peripheral, Mode 2. Then I have it advertise in General Discoverable Mode, ADV_IND. Windows and Android can detect the BlueNRG when scanning for Bluetooth devices, yet neither of the STMicro iOS apps, nor iOS System Settings can find it.Is there some step in this process I'm missing? #ble #ios #android #android #bluenrg #ble #pin #windows #ios2015-10-27 03:13 AM
Dear Customer,
which STMicro apps for iOS are you using to detect the BlueNRG device in advertising? Regards, GM2015-10-27 06:57 AM
ST BlueMS and BlueNRG
2015-10-27 07:24 AM
2015-10-27 07:25 AM
Those are the names of the apps.
2015-10-27 07:28 AM
Which version of IOS are you using?
2015-10-27 07:31 AM
iOS 9.1 on iPhone 5S
2015-10-27 07:59 AM
2015-10-27 08:09 AM
LightBlue iOS app shows it! Thank you, this is good news.
Now I have another question, when I want to enter a fixed PIN, how would I enter it on the central side when the BlueNRG is in peripheral mode? I've tried entering the decimal value, the hex value, and either of them with leading padded 0's up to 4, 7, and 8 characters, and yet I can't seem to connect to the device, at least not with Windows or Android. On iOS, I can connect to the device with LightBlue, but it doesn't ask for the PIN.