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BlueNRG-M2 minimum distance to body


Hi everyone,

I'm currently using the BlueNRG-M2SP Bluetooth 5.0 module for the design of a body-worn wearable medical device (patch which should be used for up to 7 days). I'd like to know if there's any specification regarding the minimum distance of the module to the body following the CE marking directives?

In the product's datasheet it is specified that for FCC and IC, additional tests are required for body-worn devices (distance < 20cm), but no indication is given for CE. Can you please give me further information?

I believe there is, and I think it is dependent on the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), but couldn't find any information about it. Furthermore, I don't know if there's something more to take into account in order to know the minimum acceptable distance.

Can anyone help me, please?

Best regards,
