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Does the ToF sensor output a single number, or can we access the whole data output from the sensor? Or to put it differently: Can we access the 8x8 multizone matrix and the matrix of the perpendicular zones, or only the extracted distance?

Esben Skipper
ST Employee

when you range, you can get up to 6000 bytes of information it you want it all. You the the range per zone, the signal strength, a status, some ambient, and you get that for each of up to 4 target per zone.

So at 8x8 x 4 targets all that data adds up.

Look into the platform.h file, there is the number of targets - default to 1. And a host of thing you can disable by uncommenting them.

But you get a lot of data.

Check the number of targets in the zone, then check the status of the target. If you have a target and the status is 5 (6- only occurs on the first range) 9 and sometimes 12 then you know you have something.

BTW, we do the radial to perpenducular conversion for you. When you point the sensor perpendicular to a wall, you will get 64 zones of the same distance. (+/- a few mm)

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Esben Skipper

Thank you for your answer! That sounds really interesting. I will look into the platform.h file. Your ToF sensors looks really promising, especially the VL53L8CX!