2021-07-12 11:56 PM
I am trying to communicate with Teseo module UART2 pins on the TESEO VIC3DA EVB via STM32F407 eval board UART pins. But not manage to send NMEA command and not get reponse NMEA message from the module .
Here is the setup:
Hard-wired STM32F407 PC10-PC11 pins (UART4) with UART2 pin of the Module ( cross it TX-RX, RX-TX), then common the grounds and power. Not plug the usb of the Module EVB.
Am I doing wrong?
Thank you,
2021-07-15 01:26 AM
> then common the grounds and power
If not connected to USB.... i think you are using the connector on the panel to provice also power and gnd. If so on the connector you have also to provide VBAT.
2021-07-18 02:26 AM
First I would try to establish a connection with the module using a uart-USB cable and a terminal (teraterm, putty) in order to be sure that the commands I am sending are correct and also would check the baud-rate, once this is done then replicate the config of the terminal in the uC