2025-02-18 1:56 AM
I have some question regarding the Teseo-VIC3D information which I cannot find.
1. The Teseo-VIC3D should have its own asm330 unit which internally is interfaced over SPI, right?
2. Is it possible to interface the ASM330 as if it where an external hw unit?
3. Or just to get the values?
3a. If yes how often?
3b. and is it calibrated, raw or both values?
4. I can see there are several commands to set uart/nmea port speed
- CDB-ID 102 – NMEA port baud rate setting
are there any difference in which to use?
2025-02-26 8:53 AM
Hi Rasmus,
Yes internally ASM330 is interfaced to Teseo-3.
You cannot interface directly to ASM330.
VIC3D outputs the raw sensor values. You can enable this through modifying the CDB setting as follows,
$PSTMSETPAR,1228,0x10000000,1 //enables DR messages
$PSTMSAVEPAR //save values to flash
$PSTMSRR //save and reset
The default value is 100 Hz but you can change it. Please refer to this post,
These are raw values.
CDB-102 sets the baud-rate whereas the $PSTMCFGPORT sets the type of interface used. If you are looking to change the baud-rate I would change CDB-102 register.
$PSTMSETPAR,1102,0xC //for 460k baurd
$PSTMSRR //save and reset for setting to take effect