2022-02-10 6:38 AM
i have a keras model generated on google colab, i have test on google colab and it works fine, i wanted to export it on cubemx and when i start teh validation on desktop process i'am having an accurancy that is n.a
here is the output of my cubemx
c_id m_id desc output ms %
0 0 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,1)/float32/4B 0.004 10.6%
1 1 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,30)/float32/120B 0.003 9.5%
2 1 NL (0x107) (1,1,1,30)/float32/120B 0.003 8.8%
3 2 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,30)/float32/120B 0.007 18.7%
4 2 NL (0x107) (1,1,1,30)/float32/120B 0.003 7.4%
5 3 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,10)/float32/40B 0.004 11.7%
6 3 NL (0x107) (1,1,1,10)/float32/40B 0.002 6.4%
7 4 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,6)/float32/24B 0.003 7.8%
8 4 NL (0x107) (1,1,1,6)/float32/24B 0.002 6.4%
9 5 Dense (0x104) (1,1,1,1)/float32/4B 0.002 6.4%
10 5 NL (0x107) (1,1,1,1)/float32/4B 0.002 6.4%
0.035 ms
NOTE: duration and exec time per layer is just an indication. They are dependent of the HOST-machine work-load.
Running the Keras model...
Saving validation data...
output directory: C:\Users\Administrateur\.stm32cubemx\network_output
creating C:\Users\Administrateur\.stm32cubemx\network_output\network_val_io.npz
m_outputs_1: (10, 1, 1, 1)/float32, min/max=[0.053, 0.241], mean/std=[0.112, 0.066], dense_19
c_outputs_1: (10, 1, 1, 1)/float32, min/max=[0.053, 0.241], mean/std=[0.112, 0.066], dense_19
Computing the metrics...
Cross accuracy report #1 (reference vs C-model)
notes: - the output of the reference model is used as ground truth/reference value
- 10 samples (1 items per sample)
acc=n.a., rmse=0.000000010, mae=0.000000007, l2r=0.000000074
Evaluation report (summary)
Output acc rmse mae l2r mean std tensor
X-cross #1 n.a. 0.000000010 0.000000007 0.000000074 -0.000000002 0.000000010 dense_19, ai_float, (1,1,1,1), m_id=[5]
2022-02-10 10:29 PM
Hi, Zzoua,
Computation of the ACC metric (Classification accuracy) is performed only if the model is considered as a classifier. This implies that the output of the model should represent probabilities within a given tolerance, else it is considered as a regressor model and this metric is not applicable (n.a.).
According the min/max values of the your outputs, I suppose that the output of the model has a "std" non-linearity (not a softmax operator), this explains why the ACC is not computed. In the CLI or through the UI interface, you have the possibility to force the computation of the ACC ("--classifier") if this is relevant for your model.