2019-11-07 8:12 AM
This is the log of Validation on Desktop
Starting AI validation on desktop with random data...
Neural Network Tools for STM32 v1.1.0 (AI tools v4.1.0)
-- Importing model
-- Importing model - done (elapsed time 1.366s)
-- Building X86 C-model
-- Building X86 C-model - done (elapsed time 35.235s)
-- Setting inputs (and outputs) data
Using random input, shape=(10, 270)
-- Running X86 C-model
TOOL ERROR: Weights are incompatible with model: 794136 loaded, 89864 found
Creating report file C:\Users\Ilario Coppola\.stm32cubemx\stm32ai_output\network_validate_report.txt
TOOL ERROR: Weights are incompatible with model: 794136 loaded, 89864 found
Using TensorFlow backend.
TOOL ERROR: Weights are incompatible with model: 794136 loaded, 89864 found