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Cube AI doesnt generate all files needed


I am working with the Nucleo-N6 Board and i am trying to get a neural network to run on the ART accelerator. The following steps are done to create the project:

  • Make new project
    • Select NUCLEO-N657X0-Q in the Board Selector
    • In Project Structure select "Secure domain only" and "Appli"
    • Then "Finish" and "Generate demonstration code"
  • Configure .ioc
    • Middleware and Software Packs: X-Cube-AI 10.0.0 for context "Application" and check box under core and select "System performance" under Application
    • Configure LPUART1 Mode: Asynchronous
    • Then again select X-Cube-AI under Middleware and Software Packs and add own network (TFLite) and use LPUART1 under "Platform Settings" (b.t.w. some weird windows pop up which say "Please wait, configuring platform settings" which cant be closed)
    • Resolve Errors in RCC and Clock Configuration
  • Save .ioc and generate Code

While building -> fatal error in "app_x-cube-ai.c" where the line #include "aiSystemPerformance.h" cant be resolved.
Are my steps to create a project with AI correct?

STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
X-Cube-ai: 10.0.0
N6 Firmware: 1.0.0