2014-11-19 7:24 AM
I am trying to make a simple project that for a start can send a single CAN frame.I am using the SPC560B-DIS evb without any CAN board (will connect later on my own converter).I took a CAN sample from other evb and merged it to my project but it doesn't work!Is there any CAN sample that works that I can use?Can I connect a scope to the TX pin and view the data without converter to CAN High and CAN Low?In the example i did not see any initialization to the I/O (Tx and Rx) is that correct?Can I use the external clock on my board for the CAN module?ThanksShachar2015-10-14 2:46 AM
Hello Erwan,
I have the same question than other people in this post. I want to use a CAN port with the SPC560B-DIS. I have donloaded the ''SPC560Bxx OS-Less CAN Test Application for Discovery'' configuration that you have given in your last post and I try to configure it for use the FlexCAN0 module: I disable loopback mode, but I can't see anyt signals with my scope on TX and RX ((PB[0] and PB[1]). My application is in attachment: can you say me what is wrong? Thanks for your help, Sylvain ________________ Attachments : MX_SPC560Bxx_OS-Less_CAN_Test_Application_for_Discovery.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006qZEp&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bp9%2FmP742HZNDYQBe9mNU8.KVIg6GPVjANfCJfai5ThgsGA&asPdf=false2015-10-15 2:42 AM
Hello Sylvain ,
i do not see any filters on your CAN configuration. How do you check your CAN Frame transmission ? Best Regards Erwan