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Trojan Horse "Trojan:Win32/Zpedo.A" detected while installing Motor Control Live Monitor. What is it about?

Associate II

Hello, During the installation of the environement to run SPC5-MCTK-01, Windows Defender detected a Trojan Horse, "Trojan:Win32/Zpedo.A".

What is it about? What do you suggest? Cheers, Christophe

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Associate II

ciao christophe, we are aware of the issue and fixed in the RTM_1.1.0 you will see soon on web. The problem is generated by the convertion of a bat file into exe for w32. With the new releases we have changed the way to produce the exe. If you manage to install the live monitor despite this warning and see SPC5_Motor_Control_Live_Monitor.jar inside the istallation path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\SPC5 Motor Control Live Monitor (32bit)

you can try to open the jar file “SPC5_Motor_Control_Live_Monitor.jar�? and open and use the live monitor.

If you still have problem send me an email ( i will support offline.

