2021-10-11 5:39 AM
Hello to all, I'm working on a simple application for exchanging messages via ethernet with a SPC58EC. The application is a clean derivation of the gateway example without the remote which simply has to talk to another linux application.
The application establishes a connection, sends messages for a couple of minutes, then freezes.
If I block the debug I see that the code is in an "unhandled exception 2" line.
I leave you below the most important parts of the code SPC5
Is there anything special I need to pay attention to in the network setup of the SPC5 studio configuration?
Thanks in advance to all for the help
2021-10-14 1:50 AM
Hello Andréa ,
For this ,
it seems to be a data abort or stack corruption.
the PC (program counter) should be in unhandled exception.
I recommend to check R13 / R14 (e200 registers) with your debugger.
You will find the root cause.
Best Regards
2021-10-15 8:31 AM
Hi @Erwan YVIN ,
thnaks for your answer.
I've already check the status of the stack with function uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() to check the size, and everything is ok.
The R13 register is set with the address 0x00FD64C0, the register R14 is set to 0x00000014.
Have you any ideas with this two values of what could be the cause?
Thanks in advance.
2024-08-20 4:52 AM
Hi @AMarc.9,
I am facing a similar problem, described here:
Did you solve your problem back in the day?
Thanks in advance.
2024-08-20 4:58 AM
by typing b.l 0x00FD64C0 with your debugger , it seems to be a function which cause the data abort .; maybe a null pointer or a data corruption
2024-08-20 7:19 AM
I don’t quite understand… Is this the solution to find out why the application crashes?
Did you manage to find the cause of the crash?