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SPC572L complex ATOM output for direct injection

Associate III

We have the basic structure up and running for our project with trigger signal input correct decoded and output timed correct throught MCS to the ATOM channels.

ATOM outputs are now timed pulses of the right duration and position, but we would need to make them into a PWM signal to control the injector solenoid current.

Can we feed the ATOM outputs back and do a conversion to PWM on them is some clever way or do we need to make the output pulses in the MCS assembler?

Best regards, Lars

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Associate II


If the ATOM timed pulse are ATOM configured in SOMC mode the feature about RDADDR0 / RDADDR1 could help you... I don't know

Or the PWM signal to control the injection could be configure in immediate mode(SOMI), in this case the MCS assembler code could trigger the ATOM timed pulse and hander the ATOM immediate injector solenoid current.

If the answer are not enough, please give more detail.

