2018-06-07 12:33 AM
My name is Martin and I am teacher at Secondary school of informatics, electrical engineering and crafts in Roznov, Czech Republic.
With a group of student, we are trying to create control board with your SPC560P60L3 microcontroller. We have followed AN2871 during our board design, but we still have problem with microcontroller boot up process.
After power supply the board, microcontroller is still in reset and we do not know why.
We have already checked Voltage regulator which seems to be correct according your application note, also decoupling capacitors are designed correct.
Could you please send me any suggestion, what I can check?
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
2018-06-08 01:29 AM
Hello Martin ,
Difficult to support the hardware design without schematics
You should check the Pictus Discovery Board (Cf link below)
Best Regards
2018-06-08 05:40 AM
Hello Erwan,
thank you very much for your feedback.I will check the link you sent me.
Unfortunately, I cannot share the schematic, because we do not want to reveal our know how to another schools, which compete too.
Is there any possibility, how to share the schematic by private way when I will not discover the issue by myself?