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problem in finding reent.c

Santhamurthy R
Associate II
Posted on May 05, 2017 at 16:24

Hello All,

I am using SPC560B54L5 board along with SPC5studio 5.2.1 and UDE 4.2

In my application I am trying to receive 256 bytes of data/packet and sending 30 bytes(max.) of response to the sender. The application starts working initially, but after sometime(most of the time after 274 packets)  it blocks somewhere. The status in UDE shows ''core running'' but failing to send or receive data through UART.

If I try to break the execution explicitly in UDE, UDE prompts to select the source file''reent.c''.

No other interrupts except UART and PIT(PIT0 for syswaitmilliseconds()) , are in my application.

Prompting for reent.c:


Kindly provide your valuable suggestion to resolve the issue.

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Accepted Solutions
Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on May 09, 2017 at 09:54

Hello ,

it is maybe a coredump in libc.

you should check your your full stack with function calls with PLS UDE and put a breakpoint before entering in libc.

     Best regards


View solution in original post

Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on May 09, 2017 at 09:54

Hello ,

it is maybe a coredump in libc.

you should check your your full stack with function calls with PLS UDE and put a breakpoint before entering in libc.

     Best regards
