2017-09-20 10:44 AM
I trying to use the PIT to generate an interrupt every 1.7uS to toggle a GPIO and it does not seem to be working well.
I have a sysclk of 64MHz. Im using PIT1 and setting the LDVAL register with a count. Now the timer seems to be working well for a count of 200000 which corresponds to an intrerupt time of 5uS.
But any value less than that and the timer is unstable (high value of jitter)
Going further a value of 1000000 which corresponds to an interrupt time of 1us just does not work. The PIT does not seem to be able to generate an interrupt less than 2.5us.
I tried chaining the priority of the PIT interrupt to 15 in the file pit_lld.h
Below is my setting
This also did not seem to work. Is there any other setting that I can change to get this to work?
2017-09-20 2:33 PM
Is it unable to generate interrupts at that rate, or is the processor not able to stack context, and enter/exit an interrupt at such rates.
Figure out where the processors saturation point is. Consider if there are more effective ways for hardware to generate a toggling output signal.
2017-09-20 5:39 PM
I believe it can generate interrupts at that rate but it is the entering/exiting ISR thats the saturation point. But thats just a guess. The clock is at 64Mz. So thats around 132 cycles for a 2us timer. It should be able to do it.
Just curios if anyone else in this community has ever had to implement such an exercise?
2017-09-20 5:58 PM
Relatively low trafficked forum. When you're up at 500 KHz the exercise is to make the timer to be autonomous, and to recognize that's how to eliminate jitter.
2017-09-20 6:26 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by autonomous?
And I can worry about jitter once I can actually get the timer interpret to within a micro second
2017-09-20 7:30 PM
>>I'm not sure I understand what you mean by autonomous?
Let HW do HW work.
>>And I can worry about jitter once I can actually get the timer interpret to within a micro second
Ok, but I think you miss the point.
2017-09-26 1:43 AM
Hello Raghu ,
Could you confirm the device used ?
it is well SPC56P60 ..
Did you try to update SPC560Pxx_RLA PIT Test Application for Discovery ?
Best Regards