2019-08-09 3:35 AM
I am working on SPC56xL Discovery+ kit(spc56el70l5) and i'm unable to generate pwm signal on PWMX pins. We are able to generate pwm signals on PWMA & PWMB pins respectively but not on PWMX pins.
2019-08-14 5:43 AM
Hello Ray ,
Have you checked these application
SPC56ELxx_RLA PWM-ICU Test Application for DiscoveryPlus in SPC5Studio ?
It is maybe a configuration issue.
Best regards
2019-08-16 12:47 AM
I tried demo application, and also checked the pin configuration. Its not working.
I am setting PWM driver 1, and channel 2 for Hardware pin 26 (pwmx_0).
pwm_lld_start(&PWMD1, &pwm_config_pwmconfig);
pwm_lld_enable_channel(&PWMD1, 2, PWM_PERCENTAGE_TO_WIDTH(&PWMD1, 5000));
2019-08-20 10:19 PM
Hi Erwan,
I am unable to generate pwm signal on PWMX pins, can you provide sample code for generating pwm signal on Hardware pin 26 (pwmx_0).