2020-09-21 12:39 AM
2021-02-12 4:52 AM
Good morning,
Hoping to have understood your question, why could not use a debugger to read/write target memory via JTAG ?
2021-02-12 8:37 AM
Presumably the OP wants to do testing/diagnostics, outside the classical debugging sense. ie things JTAG was designed for, scan chain testing, boundary scan, checking internal memories, etc..
Perhaps you have some comprehensive documentation on the implementation, or a white paper for debugger writers, etc.
2021-02-15 1:28 AM
is it clear your goal and the only suggestion that i can you is to look at http://openocd.org/. This offer you a full support to JTAG interface as well a good documentation as reference for your goal. I think you need only to added the low lever JTAG interface to communicate with our JTAG Debug interface.
Hoping to help you,