2021-12-08 4:05 AM
I have an amplifier circuit build using TS9222 opamp, with gain = 40 and external EMI filter on the inputs. I want to understand the affect of filter capacitors at the input of opamp on stability of circuit.
I have simulated the circuit using LTSPICE and file is attached.
Even though the pole in the feedback path is at 366KHz but the phase change starts as usual decade before. And as per bode plot or ROC method I see that phase change started before 100KHz (which is bandwidth of circuit). Even though phase margin is 67deg, do I need to add resistors on inv and non inv terminals. I referred one app note which says that I should but I am not getting the math behind it. (below is the link)
Please help me to understand the issue and let me know if further information is required