2022-03-27 5:21 AM
I'm having problems with the circuit using TDA7498MV.
I have made a PCB as recommended in the datasheet. I have connected 3v3 to MUTE and STBY pins, and a power supply of 30V to power pins.
On the VDDS pin I get an output of 3v3 and on SYNC LK pin I get a clock signal of 620 kHz.
But when I put on the input IN P pin (single-ended input configuration) 5 kHz 1Vpp signal I get nothing on the output. i don't know what could be wrong. I tried different input voltages (Vpp) of the sin wave but the problem is still the same.
The DIAG pin is at 3.3V. Does this mean that any of the protections is activated?
But I don't know why it would be.
Can you please give me any suggestions about my problem?