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I have configured the code for Analog Microphone with UART DMA in STEVAL -MKSBOX1V1. Anyone please guide how to verify the data. (When to start audio using ADc interrupt and play any audio ). Right now I have done as continuous conversion and circular..


I need to capture as soon as Audio is played. In real time without user intervention how shall we start the ADc conversion and how to validate the data is converted properly.

  1. Audio is w,r,t to sampling rate , if so I am using 8 KHz with DMA . If I play audio for 30 sec (8000 *30 *16 bit) = 480000 bytes and 468 Kb.
  2. If it is more time how shall we transmit without data loss.
  3. Is there is any max minutes based controller architecture design.
  4. What is the best sampling rate for normal voice or speech.
  5. @Will there is any specific sampling rate for different human acoustic generation like snezing, snoring ?


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