2022-12-15 8:29 PM
I'm using AEK-COM-GNSST31 to valuate Teseo-LIV3F. Firstly, it worked so well throught the default setting values. My problem is after i set command to change uart baurate from 9600 to 38400 there is no output signal from uart.
below are commands i set:
1. $PSTMCFGPORT,0,0,1,38400
than Power OFF -> Power ON
The result is i could not any output signal from uart. but PSS signal is still normally work.
I try restore such below:
1. Restore factory setting $PSTMRESTOREPAR
2. Reset $PSTMSRR
but it not working( No respose from Uart)
Did my command are wrong?
Why Teseo-LIV3F stop sending output messages via Uart?
Thank you in advance for help!!
2023-05-02 12:32 PM
From my point of view, you did nothing wrong. Have you tried to change the baud rate on your PC serial terminal emulator? On TESEO-SUITE, open the configuration session menu and select "settings" to change the UART baud rate to the desired bps on this software.
2023-05-02 1:52 PM
Did you check pin with a scope?