2019-12-02 12:15 AM
I 'm using Atollic TrueSTUDIO 9.3.0 with STM32CubeMX 5.2.1 and target MCU is an STM32F030F4P6.
I 'm building my project but I get this error:
Undefined referrence to 'ITM_SendChar'.
In the second photo you can see that the folder that contains the file (core_cm3.h) that contains the 'ITM_SendChar' function is included in my project.
(Properties->C++->BuildSettings->ToolSetings->C Compiler->Directories->Include Path)
What have I done wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-12-02 12:35 AM
> STM32F030F4P6
The 'F030 has a Cortex-M0 core, not Cortex-M3 (to which core_cm3.h belongs).
The 'F0 does not have the ITM module.
For "printing", you may/should use a normal UART.
PS. Change your username to a normal nick.
2019-12-02 12:35 AM
> STM32F030F4P6
The 'F030 has a Cortex-M0 core, not Cortex-M3 (to which core_cm3.h belongs).
The 'F0 does not have the ITM module.
For "printing", you may/should use a normal UART.
PS. Change your username to a normal nick.
2019-12-02 1:00 AM
You mean that I could/should use something like Arduino 's 'Serial.print()' (I 'm totally novice in STM32 so please forgive my reference to Arduino) instead of 'ITM_SendChar' (or of the function that uses it)?
(ITM Module (which my MCU does not have) is something like a serial port?)
2019-12-02 1:50 AM
> You mean that I could/should use something like Arduino 's 'Serial.print()' (I 'm totally novice in STM32 so please forgive my reference to Arduino) instead of 'ITM_SendChar' (or of the function that uses it)?
You probably can click out some basic USART-related functions in CubeMX, or have a look at the USART-related examples in CubeF0 ("firmware").
I don't use Cube/CubeMX.
You could also write it yourself. You would need to set one USART Tx pin by setting it to AF (0b10) in respective bits in GPIOx_MODER, and the set it to required AF in GPIOx_AFR (have a look at the alternative functions table in datasheet (DS) for your chip) (working with GPIOx registers assumes you have already enabled clock for that GPIOx in RCC); then you would need to enable clock for given USART in RCC, set its baudrate in its baudrate register (USARTx_BRR), enable Tx and enable UART in USARTx_CR1, and then transmit characters by looking first at the TXE bit in USARTx_SR and then writing the given character into USARTx_TDR.
> (ITM Module (which my MCU does not have) is something like a serial port?)
It's a debug module (in Cortex-M3/M4/M7), which can be used also as a simple serial port and that's how most of the users use it.
2019-12-02 2:46 AM
Thank you very much waclawek.jan. You really helped me a lot!
For now I will just comment out the ITM related code.
But later on I will try to work out this USART and if I have any issues I will return with more questions.