2019-06-26 4:47 AM
Binary Install Address for STM32WB5xxE(512K) and STM32WB5xxC(256K) devices.
In Release Note for STM32WB Copro Wireless Binaries writes what is install address for stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin depending on the chip model, as:
STM32WB5xxC(256K) - 0x0803E000
STM32WB5xxE(512K) - 0x0807E000
STM32WB5xxG(1M) - 0x080EC000
Is Ok, but for "stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin" one address specified:
stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin - 0x080CC000
This address is for 1M chip, but what is addresses for 256K and 512K chips ?
If use address 0x080CC000 = 835584 bytes but in 256K and 512K chips no such amount of flash memory.
Or am I not doing something?
2019-06-26 5:06 AM
Difference between stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin and stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin for 1M chip is : 0xEC000-0xCC000 = 0x20000;
If it is a true, that to take address of stm32wb5x_FUS_fw.bin = 0x0803E000 for 256K chip, and subtract a 0x20000 = 0x1E000 - this is will an install address for stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin for 256K chip ?