2016-07-12 2:42 AM
I faced with a problem for read the Vrefint_Cal in stm32f103I dont find Its address in flash,I read datasheet and also I searched in the internet but I cant find itcan you help me for sovling this problem???thank you very much2016-07-12 7:27 AM
Hi poursadeghi.milad,
VREFINT_CAL is defined for STM32F0 and STM32F3, but not for STM32F1 (and STM32F4...).What do you need to do exactly?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2016-07-12 7:58 AM
The STM32F1 does not have calibration values.You can refer to this
. Regards2016-07-12 10:21 PM
I use Stm32f103 64 pin, the Vref for this microcontroler connect internally to VADCVADC in my board has tolerance in difference timesI need calibrate my vref with use the Vrefintin block diagram in datasheet there is a Vrefint , datasheet says you can read this voltage in channel 17 also the datasheet is not given the value of VrefintI want know what is usage the Vrefint that comes in datasheetand I know how can I do calibrate my vref????Regards2016-07-13 4:52 AM
The data sheet also says Vrefint should be 1.20V
You'd sample this, get a value and then extrapolate that for a 4095 value, which would reflect the VREF being used. Simple math, right? VREF = (1.20 / (double)VrefintSample) * 4095.0; You'd then use this VREF value when doing your other ADC conversions.