2018-06-14 12:51 AM
I want to use stm8s003f3 in my project. I was under the impression just like stm32 the ide and tool chain might be easily available. However, the same was not the case. I installed STVD as my IDE and wanted standard peripheral library for programming in C. But I wanted a toolchain for which I chose Cosmic C compiler. The thing is free, but, the license needs be received from Cosmic via email. I have already done the registration and requested them the license by sending my PC details. However, I have not yet received any response yet. I really need it urgently for my application development purpose.
Can someone help me out here?
Can I get a license temporarily?
Are there any better alternatives from ST or other sources?
Kindly help me.
#stm8-toolchain #stm8 #stm8s-spl2018-06-14 1:53 AM
SDCC is available for the STM8 and the author was active in this forum.
2018-06-14 3:06 AM
you could try to use the limited versions of compilers from cosmic and other vendors, including iar. no license needed and it will get you going right away.
cosmic is usually pretty fast in responding to license request.
2018-06-14 6:14 AM
Better depends on what you want. There is a comparison of compilers:
, but it does not cover the IDE aspect.Personally, I do not use an IDE often. AFAIK, only Cosmic and Raisonance can be used easily with the STVD IDE. Cosmic, Raisonance and IAR also each have their own IDE. AFAIK IAR and SDCC can be used with Eclipse, and SDCC with Code::Blocks.
2018-06-19 1:00 AM
did you get your license in the end?
If this is not the case please forward your request to me (luca dot ubiali at cosmic dot fr) and I'll make sure it gets managed quickly.
Luca (Cosmic)