2019-07-25 08:28 PM
HOW to code this table?
void LCD_GLASS_Init(void)
The LCD is configured as follow:
- clock source = LSE (32.768 KHz)
- Voltage source = Internal
- Prescaler = 2
- Divider = 18 (16 + 2)
- Mode = 1/8 Duty, 1/4 Bias
- LCD frequency = (clock source * Duty) / (Prescaler * Divider)
= 114 Hz ==> Frame frequency = 28,5 Hz*/
CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_RTC, ENABLE);
/* Enable LCD clock */
CLK_PeripheralClockConfig(CLK_Peripheral_LCD, ENABLE);
/* Initialize the LCD */
LCD_Init(LCD_Prescaler_4, LCD_Divider_16, LCD_Duty_1_4,
LCD_Bias_1_3, LCD_VoltageSource_Internal);
/* Mask register*/
LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_0, 0xFF);
LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_1, 0x0F);
//LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_2, 0x00);
//LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_3, 0xFF);
//LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_4, 0xFF);
//LCD_PortMaskConfig(LCD_PortMaskRegister_5, 0x0F);
LCD_Cmd(ENABLE); /*!< Enable LCD peripheral */
call this in main function
LCD->RAM[0] = 0x01;
LCD->RAM[1] = 0x0f;
nothing shows, the battery voltage is 3.28, I found the power is not enough for lcd