2017-05-14 12:52 PM
I want to create program that:1. Measure time2. Start one conversion of ADC3. After conversion show it on LCD (it's optional, but it would be great if it works)The 2nd point is problematic. I want to realize all on interrupts and my program doesn't jump into adc int handling.Here is a ADC configuration:void ADC_Periph_Init(void){ CLK->PCKENR2|=0x01; //adc clock en ADC1->CR1|=0x01; //adc ADON ADC1->SQR[0]|=0x81; //select channel 24, DMA disable for single conversion GPIOF->DDR&=0xFE; GPIOF->CR1&=0xFE; GPIOF->CR2&=0xFE; //gpio for adc configutation for PF0 ADC1->CR1|=0x68; //resolution, single conversion, enable interrupt end of conversion ADC1->CR2&=0x78; //sample time, PRESC=0 ADC1->CR3=0x1F; //sample time ADC1->CR1&=0xFE;}Here is TIM4 intINTERRUPT_HANDLER(TIM4_UPD_OVF_TRG_IRQHandler, 25){ TIM4->SR1&=0xFE; //clear flag from ovf if(((GPIOC->ODR&0x80)>>7)==0x01){ GPIOC->ODR&=0x7F; } else{ GPIOC->ODR|=0x80; } if((GPIOA->IDR&0x08)==0x08)licznik2++; else licznik2=0; if ((licznik2==10)&&(~ADC_start_conv)){ ADC1->CR1|=0x01; ADC_start_conv=TRUE; for(i=0;i>16000;i++) ADC1->CR1|=0x02; } TIM4->CNTR=0xFF-488;return;}generally ADC->CR1|=0x01 is done when switch is on for a period of time.
I use IAR.Where is the fault and how it should look properly?