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STM8AF5288: Program stops in Block write to flash

Associate II


I try to write into program flash in block write. Therefore I have a function

which is executed from RAM:

void ram_flash_write_block(uint32_t startaddress, const uint8_t *buf) {
  uint16_t i = 0;
  // enable flash block write
  FLASH->NCR2 = (uint8_t)(~FLASH_NCR2_NPRG);
  // write data from buffer to flash
  for (i = 0; i < FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
    *((volatile uint8_t*) (uint32_t)(startaddress + i)) = ((uint8_t)(buf[i]));
  //Wait for write operation to complete according to PM0051, Page 18, Step 6

FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE is 128 (I am on STM8AF5288). startaddress in my case is 0xC000.

The program stops, if I write the flash control registers CR2 and NCR2

consecutively. If I write only one if these registers, the program does not stop

(but also does not write to flash...).

This is a hint, that the block programming mode is activated after writing the

two registers, because on page 17 of the PM0051, we read:

If the program goes back to main program memory, it is stalled until the block

program operation is complete.

On Page 18, we read at step 3:

The programming cycle starts automatically when all data in the block have been


How does the STM8 know, when all data in the block have been written? 128

consecutive write operations?

If I read the flash memory content via ST-Link, I see, that no bytes are written

into flash, so the program stops execution before the programming cycle.

I use SDCC 4.1.0 with memory model large. But the behaviour is the same without the memory model large option, and also on SDCC 3.8.0