2011-12-26 12:32 PM
Hi there !
I am anewbie
in ST microcontroller. 1) Tobeginning, I bought : * Ahttp://www.st.com/internet/evalboard/product/251jsp
(with a stm8l101K3 MCU) * A kit (with the Ride7developmentenvironment) 2)So, my issue:
programming a hello world soft
for my MCU. In other words: To make a short software todetect an analog input DC voltage
(3.3V DC on comparative inputs ) 3) What I have already done:#include ''stm8l10x.h''
#define MyGPIO (GPIOB)
#define MyPin(GPIO_Pin_All)
uint8_t C=0;
uint8_t My;
(1) {
GPIO_Init(MyGPIO, MyPin, GPIO_Mode_In_FL_No_IT);
My = GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(MyGPIO, MyPin);
But : When I run this example, and use a strap to powereed with a 3.3 V DC inputs of the MCU, nothings occurs... Just the unint8_t C counter works.
Anybody can explain-me how to develop a simple soft to detect the input voltage in an analog input pin of the MCU ?
NB: Yes, I havealready downloaded some example in the internet (st website and ride example). The main issue for myself is tounderstandhow a microcontroller works, I2C, SPI, comparator etc. I have just one experience with MCU (mbed NXP product). Regards, GM #stm8l101 #stm8 #c/c+ #st #analog