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I'm using a STM8S003F3 and in my project I need to use a secound UART ( using others PINS different that 2(TX) and 3 (RX) ), like a AltSerial Library for Arduino. Somebory knows some similary LIbrary for STM8S003 to perform that function


I'm starting to use STM family, so I haven't much experiency, and I'm Brasilian, so don't borry with my English, Please. Thanks for some help. Best regards


@ST Community​ who is covering STM8?

Pretty sure there is an STM peripheral library, you'll want to identify usable pins on your chosen part from Data Sheet, and perhaps adapt/modify libraries to suit

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Hi Clive Two.Zero. First of all thanks for your help.

STM8 is covering a Neob-6M GPS device that are using a USART communication, and I need to conect a n other device by a USART communication too. So, in this STM8S003 we have one USART only, because this I'm thinking to use some library to performe a second USART in this STM. I used in the past a Lib named AltSerial together a ARDUINO, but I want to use a STM line.