2013-01-09 5:14 AM
Hi all,
How can I use the SDIO to access to an uSD card with EFSL filesystem.
The example I have is using EFSL with SPI as communication interface.
I should have an interface.c file where I do a low level interface implementation, to initialize the hardware, read sectors from the disc, and write sectors to the disc.
The function that initializes the hardware using is stm32_eval_spi_sd:esint8 if_initInterface(hwInterface* file, eint8* opts)
euint32 sc;
/* SDCard Capacity*/
sc = SD_csd.DeviceSize + 1;
sc *= (1 << (SD_csd.DeviceSizeMul + 2));
sc *= (1 << (SD_csd.RdBlockLen));
file->sectorCount = sc / 512;
if ( (sc % 512) != 0)
How can I perform this function using the stm32_eval_sdio_sd instead of stm32_eval_spi_sd ?
2013-02-02 2:33 PM
No, and my name actually is Clive
2013-02-03 4:28 AM
Well you both look alike lol
Congratulations on 4000 posts clive