2014-02-17 6:34 PM
Is there a document that says all the steps in changing from 1.0 to 1.3 ?
I downloaded 1.3 and put it where I had my old library files. Then I defined STM32F40_41xxx (i'm using stm32f407 disovery) Changed out my startup for the new one (with similar name _41xxx) It compiles and runs, but its really slow. The leds blink on startup and I could not even count them, now I can clearly count the times they blink. Also Usart communication is not working. Swapping the folders back out for the v1.0 libs everything worked again. There were some changes to do with the PLL in system_stm32f4xx.c that changed from version to version. Should I be changing something to set the clock to 168mhz ? Thanks ! This is to try and fix another issue (dma TE issue) and I've expended all of my time on that.2014-02-19 8:30 AM
You'd probably just want to diff them.
My guess if everything is slower, is that HSE_VALUE is 25000000, and not 8000000 used by the STM32F4-DISCO. The PLL settings should also reflect an 8 MHz clock source. system_stm32f4xx.c, startup_stm32f4xx.s and stm32f4xx_conf.h should all be localized in the project directory, not that of the library.