2016-06-15 9:33 AM
We would like to read hal sensor outputs(H1,H2,H3) of bldc motor by xor gate of TIM4 channels. We select SLAVE mode for RESET MODE to read number of squarewave of xor gate outputs of TIMER4 but it does not work. If we select EXTERNAL CLOCK MODE1, it works. But in reference manual page 555, it suggest to use xor gate for RESET mode. we have also tried to configure TIM4 by STM32CubeMX. But STM32CubeMX did not allow to select XOR activation when we select SLAVE mode for External Clock Mode1. We confused what is wrong in our side.2016-06-15 11:10 AM
We select SLAVE mode for RESET MODE to read number of squarewave of xor gate outputs of TIMER4 but it does not work.
Figure out why this ''does not work'', because External Clock mode isn't the way to fix it.