2014-01-06 08:40 AM
From: waclawek.jan
Posted: Monday, January 06, 2014 1:34 PM
Subject: STM32F030F4P6 I2C Slave Transmitter Problem : TXI event triggered more times than requested by I2C master
RM0091, Rev4, 24.7.7 (I2Cx_ISR), Bit 1 TXIS: Transmit interrupt status (transmitters)
[...] Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE=0.
JW thanks JW for your Reply, but it doesn't work :( i try it with this : I2C1->ISR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFD; it is stated in RM0091 : Bit 1 TXIS: Transmit interrupt status (transmitters) This bit is set by hardware when the I2Cx_TXDR register is empty and the data to be transmitted must be written in the I2Cx_TXDR register. It is cleared when the next data to be sent is written in the I2Cx_TXDR register. This bit can be written to ‘1’ by software when NOSTRETCH=1 only, in order to generate a TXIS event (interrupt if TXIE=1 or DMA request if TXDMAEN=1). Note: This bit is cleared by hardware when PE=0. i'm even try to add I2C_StretchClockCmd(I2C1,DISABLE); etc .. but still no luck. others ? :).