2010-10-29 5:55 PM
SWD Question
2011-05-17 5:13 AM
Per the ST-LINK implementation, I think the minimal connection is 4 pins, perhaps 3 if you share a common voltage.
Pg 22 http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/um/17217.pdf 1 VDD_TARGET 2 SWCLK (JTCK) 3 GND 4 SWDIO (JTMS) See also the debug section of the RM0008 reference manual. I would be tempted to export USART1 Tx/Rx, the BOOT pins and RESET to either a header, test points or edge castellations. Depends a lot on if you want standard/common connectors, and the desire for debug/dev or production/test features, and test fixturing.