2014-04-26 01:33 AM
I use STM32L151CC it has embeded EEPROM data 8KB, I now how to write or read from this memory, but I don't now how to initialize data in eeprom when I programming device.Someone
knows how
to do it?
I use GCC compiler with eclipse.2014-04-26 05:14 AM
Well, if your programming tools can write to EEPROM, then you could describe the section in the linker script, and then direct const data there.
Alternatively your code could determine it's on a blank device and write a block of default data out there. If the data is device specific (serial number, calibration, configuration), etc your code could enter a test mode allowing you to send/write data to EEPROM during production/final testing.2014-04-30 10:34 AM
I use stlinkv2 and openocd with eclipse. Probably openocd doesn't support program this eeprom.
I guess
I will have to
a copy of the
data from the
to program
after the start