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STM32L496 VDDIO2 / GPIOG pins

Pavel Krupets
Associate III

1. Do I need to provide power from different regulator for VDDIO2 pins or if I use the same level (3.3V) can I use VDD? I simply need lots of GPIO pins.

2. LL_PWR_EnableVddIO2 has no effect in my case. IsEnabledVddIO2 always returns 0. I did wait for PVMO2 to reset before enabling VDDIO2.

I also tried my code on NUCLEO 144 STM32L496ZG. It doesn't work there either.

Am I missing something?

Pavel Krupets
Associate III

Oh. Lame. I screwed up. I forgot:


Well if you run into problem lile this check clocks 1st. I started with checking if all pins were soldered properly and if power gets everywhere. ROFL.